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Worker cutting damaged tree branch

Making a Trimming and Pruning Schedule for the Year

There are times of year that are best for trimming and pruning your trees, though this task often depends on the tree’s health and even the kind of tree. Some trees and shrubs, for example, are best pruned right after they flower while others should be pruned right before they flower. If you’re anxious about pruning and trimming your trees, don’t hesitate to call in a professional arborist for the job.

When You Should Not Hesitate to Prune or Trim

There’s a type of pruning and trimming that should be done no matter the time of year. Prune branches that are diseased, dead, broken or rubbing against another branch. When branches rub against each other, they cause wounds that are entry points for pests and diseases. Along with being unsightly, dead branches can also attract pests and pathogens.

Removing suckers from the tree should also be done in all seasons. Suckers grow at the bottom of the tree and sap its energy. They can also attract diseases and pests.

You should also prune the tree if it looks like it’s becoming top or bottom-heavy. Unless it has a pyramidal habit like that seen in some conifers, a tree with too many branches around the bottom will have trouble forming a strong central trunk, and a tree that has too many branches at the top is prone to leaning. This puts it at risk of toppling over. Pruning and trimming a tree to keep it from becoming top or bottom-heavy can be done all year.

Winter Pruning Your Trees

Arborists find pruning a deciduous tree in late fall or early winter easier simply because the tree has lost its leaves, and its branches can be seen and evaluated. Branches that are too large for the tree not only make it asymmetrical but can rob other branches of nutrients. It’s also a good idea to trim those branches that overhang structures and wires. A snow or ice storm can cause these branches to break and cause damage. Another good time to prune a tree is at the very end of winter, for this stimulates the tree’s branches and foliage to grow when spring arrives.

Pruning Your Trees After Flowering

Trees and shrubs that benefit from late winter pruning include crape myrtles and hibiscus trees. However, others should be pruned right after they flower. They include trees such as dogwoods, rhododendrons, calycanthus and flowering quince. If you’re not sure what time your flowering trees or shrubs need trimming, contact an arborist.

Call Us to Learn the Best Time to Prune and Trim

Pruning and trimming your trees is important for both their health and often, your safety. In many cases, there’s an optimum time to do it. For more information about pruning and trimming, get in touch with our professionals at A and C Tree Services in Prescott Valley, Arizona.